Saturday, March 22, 2008

Life: This is a protest in Palo Alto.(week 16,111/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a protest in Palo Alto.(week 16,111/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I am not too sure what the protest was about. But it was good to see people wanting change via protesting and causing people in power (the man) to be afraid of the working folk trying to make a living in our current American times. What people don't understand is that you have to be willing to protest, stand up for yourself, and fight for everything. Because people in power don't want to give anything to normal working folk. It is during these times when systems change for the good of all people. Anyways, it is good to see protests, even in Palo Alto (or rather... Shallow Alto) because it is the center of Silicon Valley power, money, and influence.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Life: This is an electric bass guitar.(week 16,110/365,jreyes)

Life: This is an electric bass guitar.(week 16,110/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I practiced bass with my friend Minho. It feels good to play bass. I haven't played bass for worship in over a year. I have been playing my classical guitar more often than my bass. It is a pretty simple 1 pickup Ibanez bass guitar. Anyways, I miss playing bass. I am very much a beginner. The people I play with are very good musicians and they are always gracious and patient when I play with them. I am playing bass this Easter Sunday. So there is something about playing in front of a crowd. And there is something more when you play songs about God and in front of a crowd. Something about leading people to edify God. I can't explain it, you have to experience playing songs for God in front of people. It is not just singing and playing notes. It's something more than the songs and notes, because ultimately it is all about God and He's always has good in mind.

Baylight Church

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life: This is salmon on top of a salad.(week 16,109/365,jreyes)

Life: This is salmon on top of a salad.(week 16,109/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I am trying to cook more dinners for myself, instead of going out to eat. This is pretty easy. Just baked salmon with salt, pepper, and a slice of lemon on top. Then for salad, just spring mix, tomatoes, and lemon juice. It was a very delicious meal. That took about 25 minutes from start to finish.

Life: These are trees by my apartment.(week 16,108/365,jreyes)

Life: These are trees by my apartment.(week 16,108/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I like this shot because it looks like black and white, but it was just the sun and the background making it look like a black and white photo.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Life: These are purple flowers.(week 16,107/365,jreyes)

Life: These are purple flowers.(week 16,107/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

These are flowers around my sister's house. I was house sitting and retrieving their mail and I was able to take these flowers. Wow I can't believe I have done 107 days of taking photos. I don't know if I have life, light, or love in my photos, but I try as an ideal to incorporate these abstract concepts behind the photos I take. I love this project, because it is basically for me and not for anyone else. It is a challenge of a creative discipline to try to capture moments in one's life. Thank you to all who have commented, supported, and favorited pictures on my project 365. It is really nice to get feedback from other Flickr photographers who are doing project 365, because it is very supportive and you feel connected because well you are doing the same thing everyday. I don't know there's community in this exercise.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Life: This is palm sunday at the Santa Clara Mission Church.(week 16,106/365,jreyes)

Life: This is palm sunday at the Santa Clara Mission Church.(week 16,106/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I like going to the Sunday night mass @ SCU. I always feel energized when I attend, because it is a young student crowd. All their worries in life are papers, tests, finals, and parties. What is amazing to me is young people always look young. They dress young, think young, are young, act young, and perhaps also naive. But what it also reminds me that their faith is also young and maturing. A lot of kids @ SCU grew up in the Catholic tradition, and it is great to see their hearts on fire. Some students were blessed by the priest for their upcoming service trips instead of doing the traditional spring break of debauchery, destruction, and drunk centric parties. What is trippin' me out is an interesting question: When do you know when your faith is mature? Is it measurable? Is it done with deeds? Is it prayer? Or does mature faith ebb and flow like a sinusoidal curve?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Love: Peace song (week 11,74/365,shinsato)

Amy Martin is a local Missoula musician who has written and performed some wonderful peace songs. Here she sang her ballad, Home Uninjured, about an accident in Iraq where some young American soldiers mistook a piece of wood for a gun and shot a three year old baby in a truck on the road. Her lyrics followed the hardship of both the young American soldiers as well as the Iraqi parents and family. After her song she introduced a young Montana who heard her song one year ago and broke down in tears because he related to it so deeply. This young man of 23 years who recently returned from Iraq and reported having been in a similar incident though not as severe where he accidentally shot a car that was full of Iraqi's going to work. He had been to Bible camp before the war, and though he had been excited to be in the military, the 2003 Iraq invasion did not seem right to him. After he was deployed to Iraq, that sense was confirmed, and he was very glad when he finally was sent home. This peace rally was held at Missoula's Caras Park, organized by the Jeannette Rankin Peace Center. Amy's song gets me every time, and she has generously put the MP3 up on her website for free.

Light: Kootenai Creek Trail (week 11,73/365,shinsato)

This picture was taken about a half hour hike into the Kootenai Creek Trail in the Bitterroot Mountains. It is so beautiful there, and this was only one of many of the beautiful shots I was able to take on my hike.

Light, Life, & Love: Showtime (week 11,72/365,shinsato)

Our small town community theater, the Chantilly, has put on our most successful show of many years and that night I had the privilege of introducing it. These two actresses did a spectacular job acting, singing, and dancing. We had a live band performing many songs, some by very well known country artists. The songs were filled with love, and humor, and light. The audience was so thrilled with the amount of love they brought to the stage, they gave them a standing ovation. And I had to watch the show from the light booth where I took this picture, because the seats were sold out.

Light: Oil painting (week 11,71/365,shinsato)

This is a picture up on our wall which uses generous amounts of oil paint to create an interesting texture to the painting. They were painted by Eric Oliver, an artist who came through Missoula and put out his works at the People's Art Market which is opened in the spring, summer, and fall in a street they close down town. It's fun to visit there, and easy to purchase a booth to sell your own art.

Life: Griz (week 10,70/365,shinsato)

The grizzly bear is a school emblem for the University of Montana in Missoula. You can see the main campus building in the background under the trail up to the "M" where I hiked just a few days earlier. I tried to visit "The Code Trip", which is a large RV full of computer equipment that Microsoft is sending across the U.S. to do demos and things. I only caught a few seconds of the presentation before, but I caught this picture on my way through campus. A band is playing under the white umbrella under the clock tower for hunger awareness week.