Sunday, March 16, 2008

Love: Peace song (week 11,74/365,shinsato)

Amy Martin is a local Missoula musician who has written and performed some wonderful peace songs. Here she sang her ballad, Home Uninjured, about an accident in Iraq where some young American soldiers mistook a piece of wood for a gun and shot a three year old baby in a truck on the road. Her lyrics followed the hardship of both the young American soldiers as well as the Iraqi parents and family. After her song she introduced a young Montana who heard her song one year ago and broke down in tears because he related to it so deeply. This young man of 23 years who recently returned from Iraq and reported having been in a similar incident though not as severe where he accidentally shot a car that was full of Iraqi's going to work. He had been to Bible camp before the war, and though he had been excited to be in the military, the 2003 Iraq invasion did not seem right to him. After he was deployed to Iraq, that sense was confirmed, and he was very glad when he finally was sent home. This peace rally was held at Missoula's Caras Park, organized by the Jeannette Rankin Peace Center. Amy's song gets me every time, and she has generously put the MP3 up on her website for free.

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