Saturday, August 9, 2008

Life: This is (another) .trista.(week 36,251/365,jreyes)

Life: This is (another) .trista.(week 36,251/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I don't know why I am really digging the cross hatching technique. Here's another .trista photo. This is originally the one I wanted to paint. But oh wells cross hatching it is. Anyways, today is 8/8/8. Some one should do a project from 8/8/8 to 9/9/9. That would be cool/cool/cool. Anyways, I may work on the eyes with this one she is looking down on the original, but I don't want to over work the piece. This stuff is really really fun. I think I will do Felicia Day next or a nekkid piece again. I am not sure, but whatevers I like this new drawing style. I like this photo because .trista is smiling.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Life: This is .trista. (week 36,250/365,jreyes)

Life: This is .trista. (week 36,250/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

So here is .trista (Trista) from New York. I asked her if I could draw her to sharpen my painting/art skills for the summer. She was fun to draw. I think the lips were my favorite part to draw, because it is really soft and delicate and trying to do soft and delicate on pen and ink is hard. This is good practice on the cross hatching technique.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life: This is a quilll pen and ink drawing. (week 36,249/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a quilll pen and ink drawing. (week 36,249/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

This was the last technique for drawing class this summer. I like it. I copied it from the example from class. She turned out pretty nekkid. I guess this is my first Hot Nekkid Thursday post. Anyways, The pen and ink stuff needs incredible amounts of patience and care. But overall I am pretty happy with how this first one turned out.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Life and Light: This a crazy cool rainbow. (week 36,248/365,jreyes)

Life and Light: This a crazy cool rainbow. (week 36,248/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

This was taken outside my art class right after there were some scattered flash showers in Mountain View, CA. This was awesome to see. These were the days where I am thankful that I have this 365 project to capture the crazy random happenstance. I really enjoy drawing this summer I can't believe 6 weeks have gone by so fast. Thursday will be the last class. It has been a blast. I am not sure if I want to continue with art, but it sure has been fun. I am contemplating a Masters in Fine Arts, but what am I going to do with a BS in Math and an MFA? Who knows? God might know the plan already, but he milks it to make us want it more.

Life: This is a Canon XTi and my Tamron 28-75mm in B&W. (week 36,247/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a Canon XTi and my Tamron 28-75mm in B&W. (week 36,247/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

Sort of a slow Project 365 day. I am not sure what this is light, life, or love, but it was a slow day for creative juices I guess. This is a "grinding it out" shot for project 365. On other news, my friends are in labor. I hope they have the baby girl soon. I have been praying for them since the morning. Happy Monday!

Life: This is a woman smoking outside a bar. (week 36,246/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a woman smoking outside a bar. (week 36,246/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I fixed up this drawing I did about 3-4 months ago. It was too light when I did it the first time. Now I added the lights and shadows. I asked this woman politely if I could take her picture she said yeah sure and posed with a cigarette in hand and an insouciant look and expression. I thought it was cool so I took the photo and drew her.
First Drawing:

Life: These are 3 tacos, Jarritos, chips, and salsa. (week 35,245/365,jreyes)

Life: These are 3 tacos, Jarritos, chips, and salsa. (week 35,245/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

Aaah it was a nice Saturday noon time. With 3 carne asada tacos, some chips and salsa, and a bottle of Jarritos to wash it all down. This is my local Mexican restaurant down near my apartment.

Life: This is me smiling. (week 35,244/365,jreyes)

Life: This is me smiling. (week 35,244/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

Don't know why I felt like a smiley day. I was testing the remote which I hardly use. Happy Friday and 245 days of 365. CRAZY!!!!