Saturday, January 12, 2008

Life: This is a sunny Saturday in Santa Clara.(week 7,43/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a sunny Saturday in Santa Clara.(week 7,43/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I decided to take photos around Santa Clara University today. It is a really beautiful campus. I can't believe I graduated in 2000. It was innocent days I guess. No war in Iraq, no internet bubble bursting, no sub-prime crashes, no worries on shrinking health care coverage, no financial worries for maintaining, growing, and diversifying your 401k plan. It was just school stuff, interaction with young attractive women, homework, papers, and tests to deal with. I guess taking this picture reminds me that life was pretty easy back in college. And also being a student at SCU was pretty fun.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Life: This is a Friday FUTAB("Feet Up Take A Break").(week 6,42/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a Friday FUTAB("Feet Up Take A Break").(week 6,42/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

It is Friday so put your Feet Up Take A Break or in other words FUTAB. For Christmas I received some Barnes & Noble gift cards and I bought this book. "On the road, the original scroll" by Jack Kerouac. His original book is a classic read. This new book is the unedited version from the long scroll which he wrote the novel on. He was a mad literary genius. So the names are no longer Dean and Sal, but they are now Neal and Jack. It's a great coming of age story about people in their mid to late 20's after WWII and right before Korea and Vietnam. Kerouac was a huge influence on the Beat generation. Here is my favorite quotation from On the Road. It is my Facebook quotation.

". . . I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes Awww!"
-On the Road

This book made me want to travel and see the world. I still have a goal to drive cross country with good friends, meet lots of attractive women, be a riff raf intellectual hipster, write, and create all while on the road. But the funny thing about Kerouac and a majority of his generation is that they all became yuppies in the 1980s and now follow the same traditions and policies, which they fought and wrote against all those years in the 1960's. The hippies have become "the establishment." How ironic!

Light: Glass chicken (week 1, 7/365, shinsato)

I used to keep chickens both as a child and here in Montana and my wife gave me this small glass chicken as part of my Christmas gifts a few years ago. I keeps me company on my desk as I work.

Life: Cat in the cold (week 1, 6/365, shinsato)

Our cat Tribble doesn't mind sitting out in the cold on some hay bales under the tarp, or in this case, on our icy deck under a chair.

Light and Life: The old makes way for the new (week 1, 5/365, shinsato)

They were tearing down an old bank building in downtown Missoula, Montana with two machines in Missoula and I happened to be passing by while they were knocking down the last wall. A number of others were enjoying the sight with me on the sidewalk.

Life and Light: Woodstove heat (week 1, 4/365, shinsato)

This woodstove keeps me warm in the cold Montana winters in my office. I love feeding this iron beast and basking in it's infrared glow.

Life and Light: Paris on our wall and in my memories (week 1, 3/365, shinsato)

This scarf picture of Paris includes the Seine, Notre Dame, the Eiffel tower. My wife put it up years ago and I've stopped her from taking it down. I double exposed a recent picture from when I was in Paris for work. It truly is a beautiful city - the City of Lights.

Love: This is a tribute to my favorite condiment. (7/365. niftyken)

Of all the varieties of fanciful and plain food-enhancing condiments in the world, there are none that I love more than Heinz ketchup, especially when it comes in the cutest little 2.25 oz. container (and accompanied by its buddies, Tabasco and dijon mustard). Would you like fries with that?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life: This is a Peet's marble cake and a small latte.(week 6,41/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a Peet's marble cake and a small latte.(week 6,41/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

Marble cake and a small latte reading the last chapters of Zinn's classic history book "A people's history of the United States from 1492-present". I guess this was a reward for myself to be re-energized to finish the book. It is a big book. I haven't really read a good history book since probably high school. It is sort of depressing because chapter after chapter Zinn reminds you of the US elite's hegemonic interests. He reminds you of how the elites rule and exploit people of color, working class/poor white people, blacks, Native Americans, and women. Below is a quotation from Zinn's chapter on the American revolution.

"Here was the traditional device by which those in charge of any social order mobilize and discipline a recalcitrant population - offering the adventure and rewards of military service to get poor people to fight for a cause they may not see clearly as their own" (Zinn p.78)

You can essentially insert any US war/insurrection/conflict and Zinn's theorem still applies. Anyways, It is really a good read for anyone interested in the future of America. I remember a Filipino American history presentation by a professor named Rodel Rodis. And his presentation was entitled "No history, no self. Know history, know self." In a way, Zinn's book is re-energizing me to think in those lines again. We must know our history, to know ourselves.

Light: This is a USB plasma ball. (6/365, niftyken)

Make that a USB plasma ball staring at itself in the mirror. These things are so mesmerizing with their constantly changing motion. How does this clear orb, filled with a low pressure mixture of gases and driven by high frequency alternating current at high voltage generate bolts of light which extend from the inner electrode to the outer glass container? You can order one for yourself at

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Life: These are birds on a roof.(week 6,40/365,jreyes)

Life: These are birds on a roof.(week 6,40/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

These are birds on a roof. I took this photo this morning on my way to work. For some sort of reasons these birds were hanging out on the roof of my apartment. They look like pigeons, I don't know what they were doing on the roof. They looked like they were eating something, but I couldn't tell. Anyways, this project is great, I would never have thought of taking pictures of these birds before this project, now I look for these opportunities.

Life: This is apparently an interesting pasttime for birds too. (5/365, niftyken)

I managed to catch a shot of the lovebird curiously watching my brother play Scrabulous, the online version of Scrabble. He tried to peck at the keyboard a few times. (The bird, not my brother.) Sometimes we're not he realizes he's a bird.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Life: This is art (by a teenager). (week 6,39/365,jreyes)

Life: This is art (by a teenager). (week 6,39/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I get so blown away by the art some of teenagers create. This one is by a young woman named Christine. She got inspiration from the Josh Groban CD, but the color, the movement, the design is just wonderful. The teenagers are very talented and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to work with such talented young artists. It is really inspirational for everyone even my teacher. Anyways this art piece rocks!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Life: This is a Peet's medium latte and a butter croissant(week 6,38/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a Peet's medium latte and a butter croissant(week 6, 38/365, jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

Today was the first Monday of a "regular" week in 2008. Good bye holidays and hello Valentine's day consumer goods. It is a pretty sad day if we think in a consumer centric world. Anyways, it is back to the grind of a medium latte and a butter croissant. I typically drink a cup of coffee or tea @ Peet's in the morning. It is my routine, but today I wanted to get in a little early. FYI, yes I am a programmer and do get in around 8:30-9:45am. In my earlier years, I typically came in around 10:30 -11:00am and leave later. But these days I like leaving around 5:30-6ish like normal people.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Light: This is the sun peeking through the clouds. (week 6, 37/365,jreyes)

Light: This is the sun peeking through the clouds. (week 6, 37/365, jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

This is the third day of storms in the Bay Area. The sun is trying to go through the clouds. This was in Campbell, CA. It is interesting to see the sun in this way. Where are you spring? Because I am getting tired of winter.