Saturday, January 26, 2008

Life: This is the Beat Museum man... the Beat.(week 9,57/365,jreyes)

Life: This is the Beat Museum man... the Beat.(week 9,57/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

So I went to San Francisco today with my friends. We went to the Mission and North Beach. It was a bit of a gamble to go to "the city" because of the potential storm(s) here in Northern California. But it was a beautiful Saturday in San Francisco. It wasn't too cold to walk around. San Francisco is funny that way, if there is any hint of sunshine people come out and play. Anyways, I am a huge fan of the Jack Kerouac and the Beat writers. I haven't been around North Beach in a while and apparently this Beat Museum opened about 20 months ago. They had a lot of books on the Beat writers and lots of cool Jazz shirts. The guy was trying to sell a movie called Beat Angels to us, but we told him we were just looking around. Anyways, I will upload more pictures of my day in the city by the Bay. BTW for those who don't know these two guys are Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassidy. It is based on one of the editions of the book On the Road. The book was based on their cross country travels and shenanigans living in their late 20s.

Life: This is a cold and rainy commute.(week 8,56/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a cold and rainy commute.(week 8,56/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I passionately hate cold winters. It would be so hot right now if I lived in South America. This cold winter in the Bay Area makes me crave the sun. Also, the travel bug is tugging at me again and I haven't really traveled outside North America since 2004. I need to get out of the US for a little bit and experience the world. This project is a great initiator for seeing the rest of the world. And there is so much in the rest of the world to enjoy, experience, and expose. My mom loves to travel and she planned a 14 day eastern European cruise for my family in April/May. But now I am seriously thinking about going to the Philippines for my 30th birthday. I want to go back to the land which I was born. The last time I visited was 11 years ago. I guess these are some of the things I think about on my cold and rainy commute.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Light in Central Park

Even though it's winter in NYC, the sun is still shining through the trees. Today was an amazingly beautiful day.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life: This is PARC Forum Facebook/Peace Tech slide. (week

Life: This is PARC Forum Facebook/Peace Tech slide. (week 8,55/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

So today I attended a talk at PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) entitled "Facebook applications, mass persuasion, & world peace." Check out the info here The talk was pretty interesting. The speaker talked about the Stanford Facebook class this past spring. It was interesting to see the persuasive technology built in Facebook. Professor Fogg brought up students who made it in the top 100 applications in Facebook. That is impressive because you need to have a lot of users who have installed your application. Anyways at the end he talked about the 30 year peace technology initiative at Stanford. I took a picture of the slide. It is very web 2.0ish and who knows if web 2.0 technology will exist and manifest itself for peace. The stuff on the slide is a great start. It is interesting when we analyze why computers exists, it basically all started out to be a tool in War World II against the German enigma machines for the Allies. I find it ironic that we are going to somehow use a technology created because of war and now use it for peace. At the end of the talk, a person asked a question about the semantics of peace. And said "You should call it harmony rather than peace " It was a "tootin' my horn and someone listen I am not useless" moment from some cat who will probably retire in a couple of years, who made lots of money from war, and needed to chime in, because he hasn't made any real contribution to society, but has talked extensively about some theory for his contribution to mankind. Give me a break, at least Stanford is making an effort to use technology for peace in the world and peace is a lot more positive than non-peace. Basically, the questions were making war (combative language) out of the the word peace. Old esoteric people are crazy! Crazy I tells ya!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Life: This is a chicken adobo dinner. (week 8,54/365,jreyes)

Life: This is chicken adobo. (week 8,54/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

This is dinner tonight. I got some chicken adobo with rice. This is the staple diet of 90% of people on earth. Everywhere you go someone has a dish with chicken and rice. Think about it, Chinese, South America, Africa, Europe. Also the photo was Photoshop'd with help from Elusive Photography's action. Check her out here

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life: This is the Castro and El Camino guy in Mountain View, CA. (week

Life: This is the Castro and El Camino guy in Mountain View, CA. (week 8,53/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I am finally over my sickness which was causing me to cough like I was dying. Thank you US drug makers for making me feel better. Anyways, I am finally back in my routine of going to Peet's and drinking a beverage and reading a book to get my day started. So today was particularly cold and rainy day in Mountain View, and this cat is on top of his Dodge Caravan with sign which says "IDEA FARM." I see this guy's car on the same corner of Castro and El Camino Real. He is really hard core. The signs around his car also say "No Selfishness." Anyways, a part of me wants to be as "hard core" as this guy. It is like a part of me wished I lived in the 1960s and was a part of some revolution against "the establishment." And a part of me thinks man this guy is "hella" crazy for going on top of his roof. I guess this is the part of me that is being melted and assimilated into "the establishment." Now I am sad, I am realizing I am somewhat part of "the man" instead of sticking it to "the man"...

Life: This is an art doll. (week 8,52/365,jreyes)

Life: This is an art doll. (week 8,52/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

From this angle this looks like the doll is doing Tai Chi. Perhaps, I should have done something more political being that it is MLK day today. Hmmm I also had to work today which was a bit of a bummer, because I knew a lot of people who were off today. It was also raining heavily again in the Bay Area. But I am loving my new 50mm lens and project 365.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life and Love: This is baby with toy. (week 8,51/365,jreyes)

Life and Love: This is baby with toy. (week 8,51/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I spent today with my parents and my nephew. I took some shots of the nephew playing with his little toy. I am still amazed every time I take a photograph of him he gets bigger and bigger. I really like this shot of him because he stared right into the camera. BTW, the 50mm lens is awesome, I took shots with it all day. It is an absolutely great lens.

Life: This is Montana. (week 3,17/365,shinsato)

The weather turned really cold this evening, and this temperature is supposed to be the high for the next few days. It feels much more normal now, though I guess it means I have to wear a jacket now.

Light: Nightcicles. (week 3,16/365,shinsato)

It's been unseasonably warm, we received a good deal of snow which melted in the sunshine into these icicles off the roof of my garage office.

Life: Home made bridge. (week 3,15/365,shinsato)

I built this bridge over a seasonal creek five years ago. It was a fun project, completely from scrap lumber. It looks great in the snow and sun.