Saturday, January 26, 2008

Life: This is the Beat Museum man... the Beat.(week 9,57/365,jreyes)

Life: This is the Beat Museum man... the Beat.(week 9,57/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

So I went to San Francisco today with my friends. We went to the Mission and North Beach. It was a bit of a gamble to go to "the city" because of the potential storm(s) here in Northern California. But it was a beautiful Saturday in San Francisco. It wasn't too cold to walk around. San Francisco is funny that way, if there is any hint of sunshine people come out and play. Anyways, I am a huge fan of the Jack Kerouac and the Beat writers. I haven't been around North Beach in a while and apparently this Beat Museum opened about 20 months ago. They had a lot of books on the Beat writers and lots of cool Jazz shirts. The guy was trying to sell a movie called Beat Angels to us, but we told him we were just looking around. Anyways, I will upload more pictures of my day in the city by the Bay. BTW for those who don't know these two guys are Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassidy. It is based on one of the editions of the book On the Road. The book was based on their cross country travels and shenanigans living in their late 20s.

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