Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life: This is the Castro and El Camino guy in Mountain View, CA. (week

Life: This is the Castro and El Camino guy in Mountain View, CA. (week 8,53/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I am finally over my sickness which was causing me to cough like I was dying. Thank you US drug makers for making me feel better. Anyways, I am finally back in my routine of going to Peet's and drinking a beverage and reading a book to get my day started. So today was particularly cold and rainy day in Mountain View, and this cat is on top of his Dodge Caravan with sign which says "IDEA FARM." I see this guy's car on the same corner of Castro and El Camino Real. He is really hard core. The signs around his car also say "No Selfishness." Anyways, a part of me wants to be as "hard core" as this guy. It is like a part of me wished I lived in the 1960s and was a part of some revolution against "the establishment." And a part of me thinks man this guy is "hella" crazy for going on top of his roof. I guess this is the part of me that is being melted and assimilated into "the establishment." Now I am sad, I am realizing I am somewhat part of "the man" instead of sticking it to "the man"...

1 comment:

hajush said...

It was cool seeing that this guy is still at it. I video taped an interview a friend and I made of him, which you can watch at this link. I really liked what he had to say so I investigated his stuff a bit. He has an operating system idea that looks like the game pong, i.e. it's not very sophisticated. He's raising money by attempting to get people to subscribe to his movement by paying a small amount of money every day, which would pay for his upkeep and maintenance during his programming. I hope that the work he does makes the world a better place, but I wouldn't put your own efforts down.