Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Life: These are purple flowers.(week 16,107/365,jreyes)

Life: These are purple flowers.(week 16,107/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

These are flowers around my sister's house. I was house sitting and retrieving their mail and I was able to take these flowers. Wow I can't believe I have done 107 days of taking photos. I don't know if I have life, light, or love in my photos, but I try as an ideal to incorporate these abstract concepts behind the photos I take. I love this project, because it is basically for me and not for anyone else. It is a challenge of a creative discipline to try to capture moments in one's life. Thank you to all who have commented, supported, and favorited pictures on my project 365. It is really nice to get feedback from other Flickr photographers who are doing project 365, because it is very supportive and you feel connected because well you are doing the same thing everyday. I don't know there's community in this exercise.

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