Monday, March 17, 2008

Life: This is palm sunday at the Santa Clara Mission Church.(week 16,106/365,jreyes)

Life: This is palm sunday at the Santa Clara Mission Church.(week 16,106/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I like going to the Sunday night mass @ SCU. I always feel energized when I attend, because it is a young student crowd. All their worries in life are papers, tests, finals, and parties. What is amazing to me is young people always look young. They dress young, think young, are young, act young, and perhaps also naive. But what it also reminds me that their faith is also young and maturing. A lot of kids @ SCU grew up in the Catholic tradition, and it is great to see their hearts on fire. Some students were blessed by the priest for their upcoming service trips instead of doing the traditional spring break of debauchery, destruction, and drunk centric parties. What is trippin' me out is an interesting question: When do you know when your faith is mature? Is it measurable? Is it done with deeds? Is it prayer? Or does mature faith ebb and flow like a sinusoidal curve?

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