Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life: This is XUbuntu. (week 39,268/365,jreyes)

Life: This is XUbuntu. (week 39,268/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

So I got some free hardware from that 5th grade class and I was able to install XUbuntu on the machine. It had a 40GB HD, 512MB of RAM, 1.8GHZ PIV processor. Not that bad really. So I got to install the GUI version on top of the server. It is a Ubuntu Server 8.04 kernel and I put XUbuntu on top of it. I haven´t built a machine in a while. Anyways, I think I am going to go to Fry´s and buy some cheap RAM to add some power on this bad boy. There are 4 slots, so I am planning to put 4GB on this thing. Not bad eh? I made the machine come alive. The teacher said it was dead and frustratingly dead. There is no sound on this machine, but Firefox comes with it and there are some command to add Flash, once I get sound to work, then I am golden. Aaaaah I feel like a programmer again... Whenever I am feeling down or something, I turn to work as an outlet from the frustration... I actually get sh*t done when I am in a funky state... It´s my way of coping I think.

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