Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Life: These are cupcakes.(week 33,226/365,jreyes)

Life: These are cupcakes.(week 33,226/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

These were some pretty good cupcakes with strawberries on top. Also this we talked about Joshua in the study. How the Israelites used 12 rocks from the Jordan river to remind them of God leading them from a lost state to a found state. Anyways, I have been talking about goals lately and I mentioned to the group that I had over 300 goals since I was 18. It started as an assignment in my religion course in my senior year in high school. They were pretty astonished. I am too I guess, but its a reminder of what things I dreamed of when I was 18 and what I am still dreaming of when I turn 30. So I encouraged people in the group to generate 150 goals in their lives. The thing I learned from the 300 goals is that not every goal will be attained. Like my accomplished rate is like 8-10%. That's pretty low, but I would have to say very realistic. The whole point of the exercise is to write some of the wild ideas down somewhere as a remembrance of dreams, expectations, and events you want to happen. The really important lesson is that not all goals will be achieved. It's very counter-intuitive. The assignment was very interesting because the first 3 goals were

-Deny yourself
-Take up your own cross
-Follow Christ

These are pretty damn lofty goals. These are daily goals for life. Anyways the following describes some of my accomplished goals and some of my goals still on my TODO list.

Accomplished goals:

go to college, get a degree
visit Brazil
visit Greece
visit Italy
visit Turkey
learn Italian
learn Portugues
learn how to say "You are the most beautiful woman in the world" in 10 languages

TODO goals still in the queue:

visit Africa
visit China
visit Japan
learn Chinese
learn Japanese
visit all 50 states
meet a president of the US
write a commencement speech
marry the most beautiful woman in the world (gotta think big right?)

So now I want to write 200 more goals so that I want to have roughly 500 goals in my life. But seriously, I am not goal oriented, I am just Asian.

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