Friday, January 4, 2008

Light, Life, and Love : Good-bye Cleopatra (Week 1, 1/365, shinsato)

Cleopatra stayed with me for 17 years. This photo the day before she died shows her when she was immobile, wrapped in a towel, as we were gifted with the process of her death. The death of a loved one, even a pet, is never convenient or fun. But it is profound. It sheds light on what is important and precious, such a tender and invisible thing as a life or spirit, even that of a small cat. Cleopatra was with me for 17 years, through two girlfriends, several moves, a cross country trip which included an accident where she had to hide in a post hole overnight, and many other life events. She would sit on my lap the last few years while I journaled in the morning, purring. I will miss her.


Jonathan said...

Sorry to hear about your cat Harold! Wow, 17 years young. She will surely be missed.

hajush said...

Thanks Jonathan. We buried her today. I still imagine occasionally that she's still in my office where she used to sleep during the day while I worked or puttered around the yard and house during the weekends.