Sunday, January 13, 2008

Life: This is truth during war and peace. (week 7,44/365,jreyes)

Life: This is truth during war and peace. (week 7,44/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

I got up pretty late, because I finally got some rest from taking medicine because I have had a cough and bronchitis. On a typical Sunday I would be up and ready to go for church. But today I "hella" overslept till 11:30am. So I decided I might as well try to read or do something productive on a beautiful Sunday in Silicon Valley. I decided to go to the MLK library in downtown San Jose. And while I was driving by the parking lot, I saw this huge group of Muslims with banners and all dressed in black. I was like "right on a protest!" In actuality, it was a peacewalk organized by Sunni and Shiite Muslims to denounce the ethnic/religious fighting in Iraq.
Peacewalk media release

I took this photo of 3 young Muslim cats holding up a sign.

"In peace the sons bury their fathers, but in war the fathers bury their sons."

For me it was my "damn that's deep, so deep, so deep but your butt to sleep" moment (Credit Ice Cube's song "Today was a good day") But yeah this sign is very truthful with what is going on half way around the world. The ridiculous thing about American media is that the only newsworthy item today were the NFL playoffs and Britney's hearing for her kids on Monday. Not this peacerally for Sunni's and Shiite's. No Yahoo! news, no google news results, nadda...

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