Monday, September 1, 2008

Life: This is a peace sign from Charlie. (week 39,273/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a peace sign from Charlie. (week 39,273/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

This is a pen and ink drawing of a peace sign by Flickrite crustydolphin. I don't know why this photo intrigued me, but it did. I enjoyed drawing her fingers for the peace sign. I think she got explore for her photo. Anyways, it is Labor Day weekend here in US so we have day off on Monday. It is all good, but I don't know US workers get one day? Like Europe gets hella holidays. While we Americans typical just get 2 weeks of vacation and some Federal holidays. I think it is just wacky. I am wishing I work in Europe these days. Euro is just freakin' awesome compared to the dollar. But I am weary as well because Europeans inherently dislike each other when you study their history. Anyways, maybe I can work in Ireland or some place in Europe with lots of different cultures and what not.

Original from crustydolphin :)

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