Sunday, June 8, 2008

Life: This is a Kodak Duraflex IV. (week 27,189/365,jreyes)

Life: This is a Kodak Duraflex IV. (week 27,189/365,jreyes)
Originally uploaded by jmoisesreyes

So I went to photo fair in San Jose, CA. I saw it via the Flickr SF/Bay Area Shooters group. I went there near the end. It was my first photo fair. Man there were so many cool cameras, lenses, and stuff. It was like geeking out @ Fry's, but with photo people. I didn't really know much, but I was just looking around. Then I saw this little Duraflex IV. It was only for $25, but I told the seller, I only have a $20. He was like that's good. I was like sweet. But the fun part with this $20 camera will be to buy 620 film from B&H and also create a view finder contraption for my XTI with my 50mm. Several Flickr people have built some of these view finder contraptions. And the results have been really interesting. This camera is pretty sweet, because the flash makes you look like an old 1950s press photographer. You know like Peter Parker ish... I think these antique cameras are really cool, and a bit addictive.

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